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In the spirit of creating a positive change within communities, OPDSF Ortho proudly announces its participation in the upcoming event: “Bullying Bites: Help the AAO Raise Awareness in October.” This event, organized by the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO), serves as a dedicated effort to address and combat the issue of bullying. As October marks both National Orthodontic Health Month and National Bullying Prevention Month, OPDSF Ortho is excited to join forces with the AAO and make a lasting impact in San Francisco, CA.

Join the Movement:

Joining hands with the AAO’s anti-bullying campaign demonstrates OPDSF Ortho’s commitment to fostering a safe and inclusive community for everyone. The campaign encourages individuals, especially young people, to take a stand against bullying and become part of the solution. By leveraging the hashtag #bullyingbites, OPDSF Ortho aims to spread awareness and inspire positive change.

AAO’s Initiatives:

For five consecutive years, the AAO has dedicated the month of October to National Bullying Prevention Month. This year, in collaboration with National Orthodontic Health Month, the AAO aims to reach even more individuals and communities. The goal is to equip local communities, including San Francisco, CA, with resources that facilitate discussions and actions against bullying.

Taking Action with OPDSF Ortho:

Getting involved with the “Bullying Bites” campaign is both simple and impactful. OPDSF Ortho encourages everyone to:

  • Be Inspired: Explore an Instagram compilation showcasing AAO’s social media efforts during past National Bullying Prevention Months. This compilation highlights member participation and acts as a source of inspiration for the ongoing campaign.
  • Explore Resources: Access online and printable resources provided by the AAO. These resources serve as valuable tools for starting conversations, organizing events, and spreading awareness about bullying prevention.
  • Bullying Bites Toolkit: For those looking for a comprehensive approach, consider purchasing the Bullying Bites toolkit. This toolkit offers a range of materials and strategies to effectively address and prevent bullying.

OPDSF Ortho is excited to take a proactive role in raising awareness about bullying and its prevention. By participating in the “Bullying Bites” campaign initiated by the AAO, the orthodontic practice aims to contribute to a kinder and more inclusive society. As part of the San Francisco community, OPDSF Ortho encourages everyone to join hands and be a force of positive change during National Orthodontic Health Month and National Bullying Prevention Month in October. Together, we can make a difference and show that bullying truly bites.